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'Encourage each other and build each other up' 1 Thessalonians 5: 11

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At St Peter’s C of E Primary School we believe that our curriculum is one that is broad and balanced and is ambitious for all: it ensures ‘life in all its fullness’ for our children. It is exciting, relevant and meaningful and responds to the needs of the individuals within our learning community, enabling them to shine academically and flourish spiritually, socially, emotionally, morally and culturally. Our vision is for children to have high aspirations, persevere with their challenges and to achieve their full potential – ensuring ‘life in all its fullness’.

At St Peter’s C of E, we believe that our curriculum should be seen in its widest sense – as the entire planned learning experience, including formal learning opportunities as well as events, routines and enrichment activities that takes place outside the classroom. Also, permeating our curriculum are the core values of our school ~ Teamwork, Empathy, Resilience, Respect, Integrity, Faith, Inclusion, Compassion ~, together with the British Values of Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Democracy and the Rule of Law.

We have developed the St Peter’s C of E ‘ASPIRE’ curriculum. This ensures that we are continually working towards our vision that all children will aspire, believing in themselves and aiming high.