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'Encourage each other and build each other up' 1 Thessalonians 5: 11

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Religious Education

Our religious education subject leader is Mr Hancock.

Enabling our pupils to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and worldviews through the development of religious literacy.


"RE is about developing religious literacy, therefore the new syllabus promotes an understanding of religion and worldviews which best fulfils this
purpose. This is one rooted in a multi-disciplinary understanding of the subject. This provides a balanced diet ensuring that pupils are seeing
religion and worldviews through different lenses, and places RE within a strong, and well-established academic tradition."


Essex Approved Syllabus 2022



Year 2 explored the enquiry question: What do Christians believe God is like? 

The unit had a theological lens - children were taught the foundations of thinking like a theologian. 

Year 2 used a floorbook to capture their learning, record the children's thoughts, ideas and questioning and a sample of their individual learning. 

The floorbook helped the children to access prior learning and build successfully on what they had already learned. 







Year 1 explored the enquiry question: How did the Universe come to be?


This unit had a philosophical lens. The children learned the foundation of thinking about thinking - like a philosopher. 


The children learned the Christian and Hindu creation story and other ideas about how the universe came to be. They then asked deep and meaningful questions and had a go at answering them based on their learning and individual thoughts. 


The learning from the unit was captured within a floorbook. This allowed the children to continuously access prior learning and build successfully on this as they progressed through the unit.