Personal, Social and Health Education (including Relationships and Sex Education)
Our PSHE subject leader is Mrs Butler.
Our high-quality PSHE/ RSE curriculum holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Lessons include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus and self-regulation.
A: Our PSHE/ RSE curriculum is ambitious, accessible and achievable for all. Our carefully designed spiral curriculum allows children to build upon key prior knowledge to develop deep and meaningful understanding of our key concepts and themes. Children are encouraged to question and reflect on meaningful world issues: seeing their place in the world and the contributions that they can make to their future and the future of society.
S: Our curriculum is carefully sequenced. Each unit begins with a reflection on prior knowledge and understanding. Children regularly review prior learning and build upon this through a progressive age-appropriate curriculum. Regular assessment opportunities allow any misconceptions to be highlighted and addressed. Within each individual lesson, a consistent and careful sequence and structure is maintained. This ensures a variety of learning styles are accounted for and actively encourages reflection (connect us, open my mind, calm me, let me learn, help me reflect). Floor books are currently being implemented to assist in recall, sequencing and monitoring outcomes over time.
P: Our teachers are passionate about the importance of PSHE/ RSE and it receives dedicated weekly teaching time. Pupil voice shows that our children are passionate about our world and their place within it. Our curriculum instils a firm understanding of what is right and wrong and how to act responsibly in society. The PSHE curriculum develops passionate and curious citizens of the world regarding key themes such as equality, child rights and diversity.
I: Our PSHE curriculum centres around individuality. Lesson encourage a mixture of information sharing led by teachers but with the focus on child-led independent discussions and learning. Children are encouraged and supported to investigate big worldwide issues such as racism, online safety, bullying and respect.
R: Children are encouraged to consider world wide issues looking far beyond their own local experiences - being respectful global citizens. The Jigsaw charter, acknowledged each lesson, reminds children of the need for respect and to accept opinions and experiences different from their own. References are also made to British values.
E: Throughout all units and lessons, children are encouraged to communicate their thinking, opinions and responses to big questions in a variety of ways: verbally, written, drama, games, technology.
Our curriculum is progressive and based on a spiral model. Lessons and planning ensure that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate. The progression table below draws out the spiral knowledge and skills progression within all six Puzzles (units of work) including the key vocabulary used in each year group; explicit links to the DfE statutory Relationships and Health Education outcomes have been made in each Puzzle.
PSHE is taught weekly each half term through six puzzle pieces (units of learning):
- Being me in my world
- Celebrating Difference
- Dreams and Goals
- Healthy Me
- Relationships
- Changing Me
The DfE has just published a draft review of the current RSHE guidance. As a school, we are working closely with the guidance and the proposed changes to ensure that we are proactive and reflective in adapting our curriculum during this consultation phase. If you have any questions regarding the school’s RSE curriculum during summer 2024, please contact our Pastoral Lead/ PSHE lead:
PSHE/ RSE Presentation to Parents
We use floorbooks to capture our learning in PSHE, here are some examples!