Wellbeing Council
The wellbeing council is comprised of children in Key Stage 2 selected due to their enthusiasm and motivation to improve wellbeing at St Peter's. They have many roles and responsibilities and are a vital part of ensuring pupil voice across the school.
In one of their roles, they represent St Peter's as part of the Multi-schools council. In this role, they attend termly conferences with other local schools to discuss key issues in education. There ideas and input are collated by Keirran Pearce (founder of the MSC) and fed back to Essex County Council.
Additionally, our wellbeing council, joined by some other children, inspected our school in the summer term (2023). They have been trained as ‘Good Practice Seekers’ by Essex County Council. Their role is to ensure pupil voice and to evaluate the school from the eyes of the children. After the child-led inspection, they fed back to the senior leadership team and together we created a pupil-led school action plan. The children feel we need to improve:
- structured opportunities at lunchtime
- a quiet space at lunchtime for some children
- introducing a buddy system
These will be worked on alongside the wellbeing council throughout 2023-24.
Alys fed back the children's experience and findings at an Essex headteachers’ conference!
In regular meetings, the wellbeing council have considered and researched ways in which we can support wellbeing within the classroom.
Our Wellbeing Council met with Ms Scrivener (our new Sports Coach) to gather her ideas about structured lunchtimes. The Wellbeing Council then put together a schedule where a member of the council sets-up and leads activities on the top playground (schedule below). Our School Council will help monitor the impact of this and see if it has been a success.
We took part in ‘Walk and Talk’ day. The children paired up with a child from another class and had a conversation (using conversation starter cards), taking it in turns to learn about their partner whilst walking through the beautiful countryside. This showed the children the power of talking, being a good listener – and being listened to!